Here some most frequent asked questions ...and answers.

Deck is shuffled at the beginning of a game.
Cards are shuffled randomly and their order doesn't change during the game.
Difficulty level does not affect shuffling.

in iScopa, you can check how cards are shuffled in the 'Deck Stats' section (go to 'Stats' section and tap on the button on the bottom left).
The list will show how many cards a card was dealt to you and the opponent.
If shuffling is working well, the percentage should be somewhere around 45%.

You probably unintentionally triggered the 'Loosing Mode' rule.

Please go to 'Rules' section and tap on the 'Loosing mode' option on the bottom.
When this option is on 'yes', then the goal of the game is to score as little as possible: you'll win if your opponent reaches the target score first.

...some people like to play it this way: it can be fun ;)

The game supports both portrait (vertical) and landscape (horizontal) screen orientation.

Rotate the device and the game screen will rotate accordingly.

And why would it do that? :)
No, nobody is cheating. Game is not rigged.

Deck is shuffled at the beginning of a game.
Cards are shuffled randomly and their order doesn't change during the game.
Difficulty level does not affect shuffling.

That would be cool.
Please send an email to info@doclouisjones.com with subject "BetaTester" ....or anything similar.

In the email please specify your gmail address (the one that is linked to your Google Play account and that you use to download Apps from the store) and/or you Apple ID (the one you use to download App's from the AppStore).


Yes, we neither!

Unfortunately, we could not find a better way to support development and maintenance of the free versions. We keep working on it and always like to hear from our Players and suggestion or comment.

In the meantime, we usually provide paid (Ad's free) versions of our Apps:

Scopa is an Italian trick-taking card game played with a standard Italian 40-card deck.

The name is the Italian verb meaning 'to sweep': you make a 'scopa' point when you 'sweep' all cards from the table.

The Deck
You play with a deck of 40 cards divided into four suits - depending on the regional drawings:

- Coppe (Cups), Ori or Denari (Golds or Coins), Spade (Swords) and Bastoni (Clubs)
- Cuori (Hearts), Quadri (Diamonds), Fiori (Flowers) and Picche (Spades).

The values on the cards range numerically from one through seven, plus three face cards in each suit: Knave (a lone male figure standing, usually worth 8), Knight (riding an horse) or Queen (female figure, usually worth 9), and King (a male figure wearing a crown, worth 10).

The Game
At the beginning one player is randomly chosen to be the dealer. The dealer deals out three cards to each player and four cards face up on the table.

The player who is not the dealer plays first. This player has two options: either place a card on the table, or play a card to take a trick.

A trick is taken by matching a card in the player's hand to a card of the same value on the table, or if that is not possible, by matching a card in the player's hand to the sum of the values of two or more cards on the table. 
In both cases, both the card from the player's hand and the matching card(s) are removed and placed face down in front of the player (hereafter also "player's deck").

If the played card may capture either a single or multiple cards, the player is forced to capture the single card only.

After all players have played all three cards, the dealer deals out three more cards to each player. No additional cards are dealt to the table.
This process is repeated until no cards remain in the deck.

After the dealer has played the final card of the final hand of the round, the player who most recently took a trick is awarded any remaining cards on the table.
After the last card of the round has been played, points are calculated for each player. Dealer changes at the next round.

The Score
The Classic follows these rules:
- one point to the player collecting most of the cards
- one point to the player collecting most of the golden cards
- one point to the player making the prime (see below for details)
- one point to the player collecting the SetteBello (golden 7)
- one point for each "scopa"

The Prime:
The "prime" for each player is calculated by summing the "values" of the best card in each of the four suit. Values of the cards (for calculating the "prime") are:

Seven (7) = 21
Six (6) = 18
Ace (1) = 16
Five (5) = 15
Four (4) = 14
Three (3) = 13
Two (2) = 12
King (10) = 10
Queen (9) = 10
Knave (8) = 10

Long story short: collect as many 7's and 6's as possible.

Yes, we've helped many. Please contact us sending an email to info@doclouisjones.com.

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